Lean in, Tune in, 2019

Installation with wood, steel, strings, tuning pins, double bass bow, sound
100 x 78 cm; Dauer: 5:52 min
with Tina Reden
Raum°Station, Zurich Schweiz, 2019

link to audio

The group exhibition «Intimacy – Make Kin» is dedicated to the proximity between bodies, spaces, temporalities, which arises through practices of caring, listening and feeling. The two artists Vanessà Heer and Tina Reden would like to transfer such a practice into the exhibition space and are developing a kind of sound bed/monochord that can be installed in the exhibition space by means of a suspended construction and can thus be played by the visitors.
While one person plays the instrument, another decides to lean against it. The body passes through vibrating sounds and one is led to places that have perhaps already been forgotten or that remained undiscovered until then. Contrary to a singular movement, the playing demands a complex and attentive listening. Thus the work tries to evoke an intimate space where the players can practice self-determination and consensus and use the space to invite themselves and each other to this healing, sensual encounter.
Through a sound installation that spans the space, the different objects and performative situations that happen in the exhibition enter into a dialogue with each other. Voice and sound multiply with the dripping figure and the vibrating resonating body is carried into other rooms.

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