Snail Music, 2017 / 2019 / 2020
Restored Victorian daybed, handmade quilt, audio installation
200x130 cm; duration: 51 min
with Caroline Ann Baur
Soundperformance with Fanzine
with Caroline Ann Baur, Alper Yagcioglu
Master of Arts in Fine Arts Degree Show, Toni-Areal, Zurich Switzerland, 2017
Raum*Station, Zurich Switzerland, 2019 / 2020
link to audio 1
link to audio 2
link to audio 3
In a movement through their personal feminist "String Figures", the performers Vanessà Heer, Caroline Ann Baur and Alper Yagcioglu attempt to cross the given space in an extended improvisation by interweaving with the surrounding material, creating, stealing, manipulating and reassembling sounds, voices and language. Through active listening to the environment and the months of developing a score together, the possibilities of a constant renegotiation of power relations are explored.
The permanent sound installation with excerpts from these rehearsals invites you to lie down. The Freudian lounger, covered with quilt, was created in joint handicraft and refers to a repressed capitalist unconscious of invisible, colonized "female" labor - be it female-connoted labor that is not counted as part of the production cycle of capitalist accumulation, or be it female sexuality, which early psychoanalysis viewed only from the male perspective.