Lately we've been thinking more and more about a place where the many can tune in, 2020
Installation with glass, foile PVC, wood, sound
Dimension variable
uni offspace, Zurich Switzerland, 2020

The group exhibition All the Feels! explores the possibilities and consequences of tactile and emotional interaction in a world in which relationships are increasingly characterized by physical distance and digital communication.
To what extent does the technologization and omnipresence of the digital change sensibilities and forms of relationships, closeness, distance, and sociality?

In the sound installation Lately we've been thinking more and more about a Place where the Many can Tune In, the artist addresses the emergence of feelings and sensations and at the same time makes them tangible. In doing so, she searches for aesthetic approaches to closeness, intimacy and care, and this in times in which our senses are massively influenced and undermined by digitality and distance and closeness are characterized by insecurity.

Absence and presence of bodies are brought into focus and put into relation in the work Lately we've been thinking more and more about a Place where the Many can Tune In  by artist Vanessà Heer. The organic glass sculptures begin to sound when the basement is entered via the
Shards is entered. Without being present, the entering body becomes perceptible through a material. The encounter with glass as a unifying element could not be more different: The pile of shards, cutting, hard, and the light glass bodies, fragile crunching, are means of communication, develop an autonomy and play on the question of proximity and distance.
